About Us


Years ago, when Home Ec was still taught in school, i fell in love with the sewing machine!  (thank you Mrs Kimball) that was the seed that was planted to start Ashton~Bailey.

That year, i made all of my new school clothes and then i started sewing other things.  After i was married and having children, i made their clothes and then fun stuff,  doll dresses and toys.

Now that i have grandchildren, there really is time to make my little business a reality.  Sharing my ideas and talents with others is what motivates us.  Some of my kids will work with us and then as the business grows, we will tap into the "stay at home" mom resource.

Back in the early 90's, a good buddy told me that  he was expecting his first grand child.  Ashton would be the childs name if it is a boy and Bailey if it was a girl.  I loved the combination of the names and that is how Ashton~Bailey was created!